Our Story

Fighter4Luv Fandubs began in 2007 with a simple goal: to fan dub Sailor Stars in English, preserving “Serena” and her Sailor Scouts from the original DiC adaptation.

After building a global network of fans, we were ready to start producing the final season in English. Our aim was to recapture the nostalgia of the old English adaptation, so we assembled a team of script adaptors, voice actors, Bob Summers music, transitions, and 2D/3D graphics to get started. We then made edits and major script changes, believing we were doing justice to the DiC series.

A few years into production, we decided to evolve our approach. While keeping the core elements of the English version, we wanted to offer fans more than just a DiC rip-off. As times had changed, we continued the fandub in a slightly different direction – although still retaining the English names and personalities, we tried to stay more true to the main Japanese story plots, and importantly, presenting the series without edits. This was a significant shift for a fandub that had previously emulated the DiC adaptation. Starting from episode 173, we began implementing these adjustments. We’ve also remastered episodes 167-172, slowly creating uncut variations of these episodes as well.

But Sailor Stars was just the beginning for us. We’ve also gone on to produce the SuperS Specials in English (including the “Amy’s First Love” movie short), as well as all the classic and R episodes that were deleted from the original DiC production.

We hope all our fans enjoy the work we do. Although we operate as non-profit, we strive to be as professional as possible, providing a seamless continuation of the original English version that holds a special place in so many hearts.

Thank you for all your support!
– Corza Moon (Founder/Producer)

A Special Thanks!

I just want to say a special thanks to the following people. Without them, this project would be nothing:

Shaun Nox, Brendan Penny (RIP), Adrian Molina, Akumaryu, Amelia Lang, Angel McCalum, Ashley Heart, BrandonM, Caroline Marshall, Cathy Rinella, Celina Munoz, DaelynD, EileMonty, Eku Egao, Foshizzlin, Gabriel Durie, Georgette Perna, Gregory P, Haushinka, Ishtar Draven, J. Redor, Kairi, Kaydeen Rowe, Kayley Bourne, KendraKei, Kyle Loucks, Lee Koivunen, Lightofhope18, Lioncourt, Luke Ralph, Lynett, Magic Kaito, Mike-Sempai, Mindy Owen, Mippa, Morgan Aiomuzu, Nakamura Namiko, Nyann Smith, P J Lincoln, Raysa R, Richard Hopkins, Rosette, Ryou Shirogane, SailorMoonCenter, Samantha Sterling, Scarlotte, Subaru-Camui, Ty Chen, TygerChickChibi, TylerDanielz, YingFaStar, TF1945, TheBlazedAce, Juan Garcia, Tenny Spencer, Walter M, Bob Summers, and Don Perry.
Apologies if I have left anyone out!