What's the latest? Click on any of the articles below to keep up to date with our fandub productions.2025 Updates
Happy 2025! Here’s an update on what we’re currently working on and what’s to come.
Currently dubbing:
- #178: “Kitty Crush”
Preparing to dub:
- #193: “Too Many Princesses”
Scripts in Progress:
- #177: “Wish Upon a Shinig Star”
- #179: “Master Chef Serena”
- #180: “Concert Doldrums”
- #183: “Camp Horror”
- #185: “Jordan’s Sweet Symphony”
- #186: “A Mini Mini Mystery”
- #189: “Torn Between Worlds”
- #190: “Truths Revealed”
- #191: “All Fun ‘N’ Games”
- #192: “Star Blazing Mina”
- #194: “Legend of the Sailor Wars”
- #195: “Galaxia Rising”
- #196: “The Final Countdown”
- #197: “Cornered & Conquered”
- #198: “The Great Pretenders”
- #199: “The Light of Hope”
- #200: “Love Conquers All”
Focusing mainly on getting the scripts finalised before we start casting some new understudies. The next lot of episodes we’ll focus on recording will be 194-200. All filler episodes will be on low priority, but we will get to them.
Thank you for your constant support. We appreciate you a lot!
– Corza Moon
Classic Episodes Complete!
With the completion of episode #20 “A Ghastly Vacation” we have now completed dubbing the Classic and R episodes that were deleted from DIC’s original syndication. We are now the first fandub production to do this, so a big thank you to everyone involved and our supportive fans. We are now concentrating on finishing Sailor Stars and an uncut version of our full-length SuperS Special.
More updates will be posted on our Facebook Group, here and on twitter.
– Corza Moon
New Web Domain Launch!
As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve moved our domain to With this we have updated our banner, the main logo to reflect that we dub more than just “Sailor Stars”, and a few other bits and pieces are different.
We’re still working hard on producing high quality fandubs, and you can expect some more episodes in the coming months.
A big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last 15 years, and helping us to become the biggest fandub production for Sailor Moon in history.
Take care!
– Corza Moon
Shop Launched
Hey everyone! Just launched our SHOP part of the website. Corza Moon has drawn up many designs up for purchase. All sales are finalized through Redbubble and TeePublic and all profits will go towards web-hosting fees and upgrades to hardware/software so that we can continue produced high quality fandubs.

Facebook updates
As some of you may have noticed, our Facebook page was taken down last week. This was a devastating blow for all of us, as we were closing in on 10K followers. We have since created a private group, which you can join by using the “Facebook” link in the website header or by searching for “Fighter4Luv Fandubs” within Facebook’s search function. Although this is a set back, we plan to make 2022 a massive year for our production and release heaps of content!
Thank you everyone for your continuous support. Keep an eye out for updates!
– Corza Moon
2022 Production Status
Hope everyone is having a good 2022 so far! This year will be a big one for us, as we have multiple episodes being worked on at once. The release dates will be scattered across the 4 quarters of 2022, but here’s what you have to look forward to.
Currently dubbing
- #5: “Pet Shop of Horrors”
- #6: “Cupid’s Melody”
- #20: “A Ghastly Vacation”
- #45: “Day of Destiny – Part 1”
- #46: “Day of Destiny – Part 2”
- #67: “Dino Dilemma”
- #187: “Batter up, Sailor Moon!”
- #188: “Scouts on a Plane”
- R Movie Short
- SuperS Special #1
Some of the above episodes are at 90% complete, and some are a little less. They are coming along well, and I can’t wait to show you the finish products!
Scripts in Progress:
- #193: “Too Many Princesses”
- #194: “Legend of the Sailor Wars”
- #195: “Galaxia Rising”
- #196: “A Time of Darkness”
- #197: “In a Galaxy Not so Far Away”
- #198: “A Trick for the Worse”
- #199: “The Light of Hope”
- #200: “Love Conquers All”
Thank you for your constant support. We appreciate you a lot!
I will post any other news and sample clips on our facebook page (link at the top of the site), so don’t forget to make sure you’re following us on there.
Take care!
– Corza Moon
Facebook Move
Hey everyone! We made the decision to move our facebook page from “Sailor Stars Fandub” to “Fighter4Luv Fandubs” to align with the production company name we’ve been using this whole time. Also, since we have now began releasing classic episode fandubs as well, having the page strictly as “Sailor Stars” was confusing people.
We’ve updated the links on the website, so please feel free to check it out and see what’s new!
Current Dubbing Status
Hey there! Hope you’ve been well and staying safe during these crazy times. We’ve been super busy working on episodes when we can, and I thought I’d give you a status update on what we’re currently working on.
Currently dubbing:
- #2: “House of Misfortune”
- #5: “Pet Shop of Horrors”
- #6: “Cupid’s Melody”
- #20: “A Ghastly Vacation”
- #42: “Venus’ Love Triangle”
- #45: “Day of Destiny – Part 1”
- #46: “Day of Destiny – Part 2”
- #187: “Batter up, Sailor Moon!”
- #188: “Scouts on a Plane”
- R Movie Short
- SuperS Special #1
Some of the above episodes are at 90% complete, and some are a little less. They are coming along well, and I can’t wait to show you the finish products!
Scripts in Progress:
- #67: “Dino Dilemma”
- #193: “Too Many Princesses”
Thank you for your constant support. We appreciate you a lot!
I will post any other news and sample clips on our facebook page (link at the top of the site), so don’t forget to make sure you’re following us on there.
Take care!
– Corza Moon
Seiren makes a splash!
Last month we finally posted episode 182: Serena Times Two, again?
We got plenty of great reviews on facebook, and I wanna thank every one who supports us. If you haven’t watched it yet, you can stream it on our Facebook page, or download it in our Sailor Stars episodes page.
Although Sailor Stars is finally being released by Viz Media, we will continue to create our DiC-Original hybrid series for as long as we can.
While working on Sailor Stars, we are also starting on scripts and recording for the Classic & R episodes that were skipped by DIC.
We will post updates on our facebook page, so don’t forget to follow us on there – Sailor Moon Says!
Amy’s First Love in HD!
Now that Toei have released all the Sailor Moon films (& shorts) in HD, it was time that Amy’s First Love got a remaster!
We’re using the remastered newly scanned source from the Toei blu-rays released in Japan. For the first time we are releasing Amy’s First Love in Full-High Definition (1920×1080) which is more than double the resolution of our original production. It’s a beautiful crystal clear image, and we have also touched up the audio with a 2.0 channel stereo track @ 48kHz. You will see and hear the difference!
It is now available for direct download via the Classic, R & Shorts page. Enjoy!
I look forward to later in the year/early next year for Sailor Stars (& SuperS specials) to get an upscaled HD release, so we can update our older episodes.
Please continue to support our fandub.
Thank you all.
~ Corza Moon